Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Undertsanding Your Allodial Rights

Allodial Title has an historic legacy; and, now generally confounds the global principles of land and resource ownership by the state.

The Mission Agenda of the Allodial Party Of Canada is to introduce each electorate citizen to the economic and political options of choosing Allodial title registries as opposed to the prevailing Crown ownership of the lands and resources in the name of the monarch Elizabeth II.

Hence, the Allodial Party of Canada asks you to consider the following as a critical factor in establishing the economic principles for Canadian Commerce and Trade :
  1. Do you recall endorsing your title of land and resources ownership over to the Crown ?
  2. Has the Crown entered into negotiations with you on these land title matters ?
  3. Have you been introduced to the divergent economic options of Allodial versus Crown title to these resources and territories ?
If   YOU  choose to register an Allodial Title Claim with the United Nations; then, please access application forms at Touchstone Committee.

Email Inquiries To Allodial Party Of Canada

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